Friday, January 10, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my fabulous magazine cover that I created in the 2013 fall semester at Kapa'a Middle School!!! We started out with a blank template in Photoshop. (Of course) Then, we wrote our titles, our article teasers, and our headlines. Then we went out and took pictures of ourselves. The pictures would relate to our covers. Then we cooked them up in Camera Raw, and they were on their way.

Next, we worked in Photoshop, putting our pictures in. Then it gets interesting. Our next step would be to do a contour of ourselves, which is really just a fancy way to say trace over the outline. After that we had to use the paint brush tool to add color, and to make it look more real. After warping our backgrounds, we changed the hue to match our color scheme, and we were done!

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